Friday, January 30, 2009

Dell cell phone in the future?

Topic: Technology

An interesting article in the Silicon Valley Business Journal regarding Dell going into the smartphone space with a Android OS. Hopefully they won't make the mistake of creating one without a slide out thumboard. From my 20+ years of experience, touch screens are atrocious and will never work as well as buttons.

Palm Pre

For some reason, I forgot to post about Palm's new smart phone called the Pre. Here's an article in Engadget about it.

If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm a gadget freak. I don't consider myself materialistic, but do love gadgets.

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Monday, January 05, 2009


I survived another Christmas family get together! Actually it was a pretty good dinner. There was plenty of food (for once) and met my cousin's boyfriend. He seemed like a nice guy and intelligent, so we conversed for quite a while. Usually I just sit around, eat, and watch some tv.